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Hymovis provides advanced hyaluronic acid treatment for osteoarthritis, enhancing joint lubrication and shock absorption.

Product: HYMOVIS® (German)
Manufacturer: Fidia
Strength: 24mg/3ml
Pack Size: 2 x 3ml Pre-Filled Syringes

SKU: sku_1539628943_1 Category:

Additional information

Hymovis is an advanced hyaluronic acid injection designed to treat osteoarthritis pain by improving joint lubrication and function. Its unique formulation provides elasticity and viscosity, which enhance the joint’s ability to absorb shock and reduce friction. Hymovis offers a long-lasting solution, improving both the comfort and mobility of patients with osteoarthritis.

Hymovis injection is suitable for multiple joint applications, making it a versatile option for patients with osteoarthritis in the knee, hip, and shoulder. Its advanced properties ensure sustained joint lubrication and pain relief, contributing to better overall joint health.

Main Treatment Areas

  • Knee
  • Hip
  • Shoulder

Hymovis Injection Key Benefits

  • Improved joint lubrication
  • Enhanced shock absorption
  • Long-lasting pain relief

Indication and Applications:

  • Osteoarthritis in various joints

What are the active ingredients in Hymovis?

The active ingredients hyaluronic acid. This substance provides lubrication and cushioning to the joints, helping to relieve pain and improve joint function in patients with osteoarthritis.

Purchase Information

Hymovis is available for purchase in pre-filled syringes designed for single-use injections, ensuring convenience and sterility for osteoarthritis treatments. This product is intended for professional use and can be obtained from reputable medical suppliers. For wholesale prices and bulk order discounts,

Hymovis can be purchased through Dr Sales Direct, guaranteeing product authenticity and quality. Clinics and healthcare providers benefit from competitive pricing and reliable supply when ordering in larger quantities.